Par Jason Martinez

ASSU 2000 is the leading insurance brokering network aimed at individuals. Its motto : “Simplify insurance!”

An audit first enabled to point out the complexity nodes of the product sheets : offers built around various components (guarantees, options, included services) , difficult to understand and compare, and a vocabulary probably too technical.

Designing the new product sheet was therefore conducted with the ambition to make content more accessible and facilitate access to the next steps (request for an estimate). Axance’s main lines were :


1 – To provide keys to understanding the offers through simple and visual “instructions for use”




2- To facilitate the comparison of guarantees, via an attractive and friendly cursor and tags system

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3 – To enhance the options, the real added value of the ASSU 2000 offer

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A didactic product sheet offering a playful and interactive introduction to the services. It’s finally easy to understand the insurance sector !